

the mirror has two faces的相關標籤

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One song a day - Grateful Today 今天應該更高興. Translation and song link below. • Never charted but one big fan favorite, this song from my third album is about festival-phobia (lwhy don’t we call it Festivalbia). Learning to be alone but not lonely is a growing up process, I am glad this song has been helping some people getting through tough times. Don’t I have quite a few of these already? Anyway, grateful today. • Grateful Today (Chet Lam) • Suddenly I'm all alone I am about to drown in this excited city My phone is still quiet Suddenly I am afraid I cannot face my friends Who are so caring and all But I am still alone The count down is just mocking my loneliness • Who else is alone like me Who else has no strength to be with someone It's better to stay numb, to sort out my mind I am just another casualty to complete this whole happy scene Losing myself in the crowd Lights shine on, I should be grateful today Only if you are here • If Wham could hear this song They would probably remember they were here for us all those years We would not forget, but forgive those who had done us wrong They had probably done their best And those we loved Are they all doing ok? • I am still afraid of being alone I still have no strength to be with someone Dare to remember, do not dare to confront other happy faces I am just another casualty to complete this whole happy scene Losing myself in the crowd Lights shine on, please don't let me bump into anyone • Why afraid of being alone Why desperate to find someone We can still feel some warmth by holding two hands together In search of happiness It’s ourselves being so blind When we put on warm clothes Let’s remember the heartbeat We should be grateful today We should be clear headed today We should be learning to smile when we look in the mirror We should be grateful today We should be clear headed today We should be grateful today • 很少現場演唱這首歌,可能我已經沒有節日恐懼症。孤獨但不寂寞,是成長必須學會的。創作這首作品的過程,我就已經經歷了這個漫長的蛻變。從來沒有上榜,但仍然在大時大節大派用場,高興這首歌能與誰功過患難。 • 今天應該更高興 (曲詞:林一峰) • 突然剩我捱下去 即將葬身歡騰鬧市 電話為何仍未響 突然害怕難面對 雙雙友好噓寒問暖 自己仍然無伴侶 佳節熱鬧倒數 像諷刺著我 • 誰人像我一個人 誰人沒氣力談情 避免感觸太多 感覺太亂難清醒 成全幸福的拼圖 人潮中我漸忘形 這天燈飾照閃 假使你在旁 今天應該更高興 • 達明若聽到這歌 應該記得當年為了大家 全情投入過 大雄亦無忘技安 畢竟最不開心已經走過 錯過能認錯 靜兒或靜香現在也快樂嗎 • 仍然懼怕一個人 仍然沒氣力談情 夠膽翻開記憶 不敢正視旁人高興 成全幸福的拼圖 人潮中我漸忘形 這天燈飾照閃 即使碰著誰 都不知怎去反應 • 為何懼怕一個人 為何太急於相戀 就算只得兩手 雙緊扣著 仍能溫暖 尋求幸福的過程 原來自己不清醒 每當穿起暖衣 將心跳記住 今天應該更高興 今天應該更清醒 今天應該學會讓自己練習對鏡微笑 今天應該更高興 今天應該更清醒 今天應該更高興 • https://instabio.cc/ChetLamGratefulToday

One song a day - Grateful Today 今天應該更高興. Translati...